Sunday, September 18, 2005

Digital Talks

The internet is changing our lives one way or the other. Look at our lingo. The change to it has been drastic. Sometimes I wonder if we human will talk in ASCII codes in future. The sentences we speak will look like 10001101000111100101010100010000111101.

We tend to use the internet lingo like cya, ttyl8r (talk to you later), cool changed to kool or kooool, OK abbreviated to k, why to y and the list is unending. Where are we heading to? I wonder. I had to write a formal letter to one of my teachers (he used to take English classes for us) who not aquatinted with the world of internet and computers. I tried typing it on the computer. I am posting the first few lines of that letter

Dear sir,

Wth ur blessin n luv I m doin f9. I hope everythin is f9 thre as well.

I m vry gld to infrm u…………..

I was really scared to see the words on the screen. So I planned to write it down on paper as I was writing to a teacher who taught me English literature. Attempt one on paper was not successful. I just made a ball of it and basket it in the “USE ME” bin. Second attempt was something like rough draft which finally got its shape in 3rd attempt. I discovered my handwriting was not that smooth as it used to be. Finally I did post the letter with a Rs. Five stamp on envelop. This left me with the thought, will our natural language last for long when so many people in so many chat rooms across the globe are using the internet lingo (which has no rigid grammar) express themselves and its capable enough to provide an efficient medium of communication for the internet literates.

Since then I am trying to type and write English with appropriate syntax and semantics.

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